Android now links to Windows!

From computers to smartphones to tablets, we use smart devices every day. Web browsing is one of the most common forms of usage, so isn’t it time we were able to share websites from one device onto another? Android and Microsoft agree, and have devised a solution. According to Gartner, Android operating systems held 81.7 […]

Steer your Android clear of CopyCat

The number of new malware being developed each day is alarming. If you think hundreds or thousands are a lot, try nearly one million. One that is extremely cunning goes by the name of CopyCat, which emerged in 2015 and has already infected millions of Android devices. That said, here’s everything you need to know […]

Key features missing in the upcoming iOS 11

Apple users are anticipating the new iOS 11, which is expected to introduce key enhancements that will cater to business users. It’s supposed to close the gap between Apple’s mobile and desktop operating systems, with updates such as Files, drag-and-drop ability, and a lot more that’s aimed at providing a better experience. Unfortunately, several popular […]

Protect your Android mobile devices

Employees today are working under tight timelines, but thanks to bring your own device policies (BYOD), they can access critical files and applications using their mobile device and get work done from anywhere. But BYOD can be a double-edged sword to those not vigilant about cyber attacks. If you’re using an Android device, here are […]

Six new features from Android O

At the moment, Google’s upcoming operating system, Android O, has been released as a beta test for developers and is still a work in progress. Many are debating whether the successor to Nougat will be named Oreo when released. What we do know for sure is that the latest OS features extended battery life and […]

Google adds phishing defenses for Android

Phishing scams, whereby cybercriminals masquerade as trustworthy entities to fool victims into disclosing private information, have had a recent surge in popularity. This is largely because hackers realize the best way to infiltrate a system is by exploiting people’s trust. Although these attacks bypass network security systems, there are some tools you can use to […]